A gift of HOPE for Ariel

Like all ChildHope students, Ariel looks forward to Christmas — because he knows it means a special celebration!

Parties are exciting for most kids, but especially for a boy like Ariel who comes from such an impoverished community — and who has many difficulties in life.

When Ariel was just a baby, he suffered with seizures that led to permanent disability. Ariel’s parents and the doctors did what they could. But today, Ariel is in a wheelchair.

Despite his physical and mental impairment, Ariel is filled with HOPE and purpose. He attends a ChildHope school and he loves it! He says at school he doesn’t feel different and his teachers and friends treat him with respect and dignity. He also claims that God is his strength … and that nothing is impossible with God!

Just knowing that he is receiving a quality education in a Christ-centered environment means the world to Ariel and his parents … In fact, it is a bright spot in their lives, knowing that because of ChildHope, Ariel has hope for the future!

Please pray for Ariel, and especially for his health. The gift of sponsorship keeps him working hard to achieve his goals and share his faith.


[From the December 2017 issue of the Compañeros newsletter]

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