A Multiplying Seed: ChildHope Founder John Bueno on the long-term impact of sponsorship

Thousands upon thousands of children and their families have been impacted through the outreach and ministry of ChildHope and YOU. Millions have heard the name “Jesus” because of your compassion and care.
ChildHope Founder John Bueno

ChildHope Founder John Buen.

Each time I return to El Salvador, I witness the long-term results of sponsorship and savor each life that has been transformed. Our little school that started with 81 boys and girls has now expanded to 37 campuses and has about 15,000 students in El Salvador alone.

Your sponsorship means so much! Your prayers and support provide food ... medical care ... an education ... and so much more for a child in need.

Your sponsorship means so much! Your prayers and support provide food … medical care … an education … and so much more for a child in need.  Thousands upon thousands of children and their families have been impacted through the outreach and ministry of ChildHope and YOU. Millions have heard the name “Jesus” because of your compassion and care.

No matter where I go, whether to Canada, the United States, El Salvador — or even other parts of the world — I see the long-lasting results of this ministry to the children and young people of our generation.

ChildHope’s seed has multiplied into the thousands upon thousands! It is calculated that in El Salvador alone, we have reached, in one way or another, about one million children and young people and their families who have had a part in the school system.

I can’t begin to express the inspiration and gratitude I feel at the privilege of seeing firsthand the long-term benefits of our school system. The lives of thousands of boys and girls are affected by being in the school ministry five days a week and receiving the benefit not only of good solid Christian teaching, but of the lunches, medical care, and other benefits that come to them through sponsorships.

What a blessing to have lived long enough to see the results of 55 years of seed sowing! I want to express my gratitude to the Lord, to those who sponsor children, and to those who have prayed and supported the ministry in other ways. My heart is full!

[From the March 2018 issue of the Compañeros newsletter.]