Rebuild the walls!

ChildHope has been reaching children born into poverty with compassion, education, and transformation for more than 50 years. Many of our schools are at least 30 years old. Years of constant use means we need to pay attention to upkeep so we can continue to provide the best learning environments for our students. 

When we think of the task ahead, we think of Nehemiah in the Bible. Nehemiah was called to bring God’s people together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It’s a story of teamwork, shared resources, commitment to the Lord’s work, and building something strong that will guarantee the future.

That’s what we are doing with the Fix it Up Fund. 

We are bringing God’s people and His resources together to rebuild the walls … and roofs … fix plumbing … and floors … and create something strong that will guarantee the future for the deserving children of ChildHope!

ChildHope’s directors, teachers, and pastors have been wonderful stewards of what God has provided. They have taken good care of the schools, but now they need our help. Together, we can come alongside these faithful servants with the financial means to make much-needed repairs.

So many children and schools will be blessed by these funds and will benefit from safer, updated, and well cared for facilities. 


Consider think of Ángela Guevara (right), the Director of the Ciudad de Filadelfia ChildHope school in the city of Duran in Ecuador Costa. She is truly one of the treasures of ChildHope. 

She has been at the school for over 25 years. She pours her whole heart into her students, their education, and the school. She has been an excellent steward of what God has provided and has been able to motivate people in the community to pool their already meager resources to make improvements when needed. But the needs of her school are too big right now for the community to bear, especially after COVID-19.

With the Fix it Up Fund, we will come alongside Ángela and other school directors like her and help renovate aging buildings to give the children a safer and more dignified place to learn.

So as Nehemiah said to the people of God, we also say to you: “Let’s rise up and build” (Nehemiah 2:18b). Together we can make a difference in the schools for the sake of the children.