Help Us Give Christmas to Unsponsored Children

Already teachers and staff in our schools are planning Christmas parties and making a list for what Christmas gift will mean the most to the children we serve … And this year’s party will mean so much more to the students, and their families, because of the disastrous economic situation in the most vulnerable communities.

Isaac is a bright 8-year-old from the Guaraní tribe of indigenous people, and he was born with a cleft lip and only one eye.

He didn’t even start school two years ago when he could have gone to public kindergarten because he felt so different — his family feared he wouldn’t be accepted.

But this year he started first grade at our “Light and Truth” School in Palmasola, Bolivia, and he has never been happier!

The support of his new friends, the love of his teachers, the Good News about Jesus, and the excitement of learning to read and write … it all fills him with joy.

He probably won’t have much of a Christmas celebration or even a gift at home.  His family struggles to make ends meet.  But at his school, he’ll receive a special gift for Christmas, and so much more at his ChildHope school!

Our ChildHope Christmas tradition includes a wonderful fiesta for all the students with …

  • Music.
  • Games.
  • Gifts.
  • Special food.

It takes about $20 per child to give them the Christmas party and gift, chosen by the teachers who know students’ biggest needs.

Your gift today would be such a blessing to the unsponsored children in our schools.

Thank you for helping to make it happen for them!